My personal website
I have been wanting to create a personal website for a while now. I wanted to have a place where I could share my projects, my uses, my resume and a little bit about me.
The design is based on the Neubrutalism trend. I took inspiration from different websites and I tried to make it my own. The idea of switching the colors between pages was inspired by the Van Gogh’s Museum website.
Tech Stack
Astro was my choice for this project. I wanted to pick a simple Static Site Generator and Astro was the best option. The developer experience is great, I can create content with markdown and I can add any framework I want if I ever need to add some dynamic features.
Open-Props for the styling. At the beginning I was gonna use TailwindCSS but I decided to try Open-Props as I was hearing a lot of good things about it. It’s basically a set of CSS variables that you can use to style your website. So actually this project is just regular CSS with some PostCSS plugins to only use the variables that I need and to add support for media queries as variables. Tailwind most likely will continue to be my fist choice for styling but this is a great alternative if you want to try something different.
For the content I’m just using markdown files. I’m using MDX to be able to use components like the Astro Image. If this were for a client I would probably use a CMS like Sanity but I have no issues with markdown files for my personal website.
Future Plans
I will probably add a blog in the future. I’m not a very good writer but this could help me get out of my comfort zone.
Right now I’m taking a break from my YouTube channel but when I start uploading videos again I will probably add a section for my videos, maybe like a blog post for each tutorial.
I’m happy with the current design but I will probably change it in the future. I want to try different things and pick up what’s trending at the moment.