Here is a list of some of the gear, software and apps I use on a daily basis in my attempt to make the world a better place.
If you want to see what other developers are using, check out for a list of everyone’s uses pages.
Editor + Terminal
- I use Visual Studio Code. I tried to switch to Neovim but it was too much of a pain to get set up. I might try again in the future.
- My current theme is Winter is Coming with the Recursive Mono font. For the icons I use Bearded Icons.
- My terminal is Warp but most of the time I just use the built in VS Code terminal.
Desktop Apps
- I have been using Arc as my main browser for a while now. The experience is great and it’s built on top of Chrome so all my extensions work.
- For window management I use Magnet.
- I use Raycast for quick access to all my apps and workflows. I never tried Alfred but I’ve heard it’s good too.
- I use Notion for all my notes, reminders, todos, project planning, etc.
Desk Setup
- My computer is a 2018 15” MacBook Pro.
- My monitor is a 35” ASUS TUF Gaming VG35VQ.
- My Keyboard is a IQUNIX F96 Coral Sea and my mouse is a Logitech MX Master 3s but sometimes I switch to a regular magic mouse.
- I put my Mac on a Bestand laptop stand.
- To connect everything to my mac I use a Satechi Type-C adapter.
- My desk is an standing desk from ErgoCR. I highly recommend it. It’s a bit expensive but it’s worth it.
Other Gear
- I listen to Bose Headphones 700 all day at my desk and AirPods Pro when I’m out.